
How to Edit Products On Frontend?

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

After activating the plugin, you will get two options to edit products on frontend. These buttons provide a convenient way to edit details or perform specific actions directly from the frontend without having to access the WordPress Admin.

In the free version of the Frontend Product Editor plugin, you are limited to editing only simple products, excluding virtual products and downloadable products. However, with the pro version of the plugin, you gain the ability to edit various types of products, such as Downloadable, Virtual, Grouped Product, and External/Affiliate Products.

Please check our detailed doc on How to install Frontend Product Editor.

When you access the frontend of your WooCommerce single product, our plugin offers two easy-to-go buttons for editing.

  • When you are logged in as an admin and visit any WooCommerce product page, you’ll find an editing button located in the admin bar named “Quick Edit Product,” giving you easy access to make changes without navigating away from the current page.
  • Additionally, we provide a floating button positioned on the right edge of the browser. This button remains accessible as you scroll, ensuring you can quickly initiate edits regardless of your position on the page.
Frontend Product Editor: Trigger Buttons
Frontend Product Editor: Trigger Buttons
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